Press Reviews
Community Practitioner
This book is a gently reassuring and readable publication in which the author, a consultant child and adolescent psychotherapists, describes the complexities involved in the physical and emotional development of the two-year-old child, and sensitively explores the frustrations and challenges these experiences bring to parents and their offspring. The author also infuses the reader with a feeling of acceptance and wonder at the attributes that this `very small person' is attaining during this stage of early years development... Managing difficult behaviour, including impulsiveness and inquisitiveness, is explained and an understanding of the childs perspective is expressed. Family stability and change, and the effects this may have on the child, are discussed with sincerity with a relaxed and knowledgeable writing style. I would recommend this book to anyone who has a child of this age or who has contact with young children at work or within the family. It offers interesting insight and understanding and is written in a positive respect for the individuals of the future.
0-19 Magazine
They are a rich resource of balanced, sensitive and non-judgemental advice to help parents and professionals looking after children... The central subject is the mental and emotional development of children and their parents. And the style is intelligent and friendly. Each book is divided into very easily digestible sections, with excellent (and often very funny) case studies scattered liberally throughout and a really detailed contents page for those "where did I see that bit about" moments... The books form a cohesive and continuous guide to almost everything I have ever wondered about bringing up my children. I learnt a lot. And a friend, mother of her first two-year-old, could not wait to get her hands on these when I described them. They are now going into our bathroom "reference library" for family and visitors to peruse and digest.