Press Reviews
Australian Institute of Professional Counsellors
Working with older people with alcohol problems is based on the real life practice experiences of the authors. Their insights provide an honest reflection on the problems faced by both practitioner and client. The practical nature of the text and easy to read style is well suited to any persons with an interest in older persons and alcohol issues.
Dr. Nigel Strauss, psychiatrist and author of Apollo's Lookout, Melbourne, Australia
During my thirty year psychiatric career I have met thousands of victims of post-traumatic stress disorder. Despite the valiant efforts of numerous psychiatrists and psychologists many of these victims have been left permanently and severely affected by their experiences. The need for new and innovative techniques for the healing of this condition is obvious. Cornelia's work shows logically how the mind and body can heal themselves if only they are guided in the right direction. This book has much to offer contemporary psychology and psychiatry and I commend Cornelia for her revolutionary work. This is a must-read for all who work in this area.
Professor Dr. Franz Ruppert, Professor of Psychology, University of Applied Sciences, Munich, Germany, international speaker and trainer in Trauma Constellations, author of Symbiosis and Autonomy
Whenever methods and techniques in psychotherapy are founded in the concept of trauma, psychology comes into contact with reality. This book brings together the Clay Field technique and the idea that clients can, in this way, deal more consciously with their split off trauma experiences. It will be of immense value for the therapeutic process.
Dr. Michael Günter, M.D., Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Director of the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University of Tübingen, Germany
Work at the Clay Field is an important option for gaining access to psychological processes through sensory experiences that could otherwise scarcely be put into words. In particular, troubled children, barely capable of self-regulation and restraint, experience themselves in a new way at the Clay Field; they gain access to strata of their psychological experiences that facilitates fundamental stability.
Dr. Bernd Seilheimer, Head of Global Bioregulatory Development, Medical Affairs and Research, Baden-Baden, Germany
Work at the Clay Field is at the pulse of modern neuroscience. As a neuroscientist, I like the precise descriptions around haptic perception. It provides the basis for future directions in neuroscience. I would not be surprised if future research will demonstrate that haptic perception directly translates into the forming of new synapses in the brain.
Liz Antcliff, psychotherapist in private practice, Queensland, Australia
This is a guidebook which details the processes of healing trauma at the Clay Field grounded in trauma research and interpersonal neurobiology. Congruent with a top down and bottom up approach in therapy with traumatized individuals, Trauma Healing at the Clay Field is a body-based intervention that offers clients experiences that address the somatic dimensions and facilitates neural integration. In my experience, this innovative art therapy approach offers a treatment intervention that is profoundly transformative for the client living with trauma.
Maggie Wilson, RATh, senior lecturer, Masters of Mental Health Art Therapy Program, University of Queensland
This is a full-bodied work covering an in-depth description of trauma and early infant development. The metaphor of clay for attachment, the use of the box as a container of emotions, and the water as a purifying cleanser will all come together for the first time reader. Cornelia's sensitive and thorough approach to haptic connection fills a gap in art therapy literature. This is a much needed book and will provide inspiration and guidance for therapists who work with people who have experienced trauma.