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Strategies for Building Successful Relationships with People on the Autism Spectrum

Let's Relate!
Regular price £16.99
Regular price Sale price £16.99
Containing life-changing strategies and solutions, this book will enable everyone who knows, lives with or works with an individual with autism to achieve a positive relationship that fosters cooperation and mutual respect.

The author has dedicated over 20 years to studying, observing and implementing communication strategies that help him, his wife, their three children and his clients experience positive relationships. His immediate family are all on the autism spectrum and they work together to understand one another, resolve misunderstandings, and help each other feel important, loved and respected. Sharing their inspirational personal experiences and interweaving every chapter with practical hints and tips, the book looks at how to get communication working for everyone and emphasizes the importance of laying down ground rules and building confidence.

This book will be essential reading for family, friends and professionals who wish to communicate more effectively with those on the autism spectrum.
  • Published: Nov 15 2011
  • Pages: 272
  • 227 x 155mm
  • ISBN: 9781849058568
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Press Reviews

  • Naplic Matters

    ...easily one of the most useful things I have read this year... Having read it once, I felt I needed to revisit this book in its entirety with a pen and paper to hand. I would highly recommend it to anyone working or living with children on the Autism Spectrum.
  • Asperger United

    I found it a hug change to read a book written by someone who saw all of autism's challenges as just that - challenges. He goes on to explain all the solutions he's discovered, many of which I've found useful, and his enthusiasm for helping people is infectious. However, he never stops being pragmatic: This is a book for real people dealing with real problems... I recommend this book to everyone.
  • asteens

    King's explanations are clear and he uses examples from his family and clinical experience to help illustrate and clarify his strategies as well as to enliven the text... This book is of value to anyone working and living with people on the spectrum or for neurotpicals and aspies wishing to become clearer communicators and work together so that everyone in a relationship feels their needs are getting met.
  • Temple Grandin, author of Thinking in Pictures and The Way I See It, US

    I really like the idea of negotiation and asking for clarification in solving problems in social communication. When I was a child and I made social mistakes, mother quietly told me what I was doing wrong so I could correct. When I work with clients, I ask lots of questions so that I know exactly what the client expects from the completed design project. This insightful book will help many individuals to have better social relationships.
  • Joan Matthews, mother of James Williams, a young adult on the spectrum, US

    Brian R. King brings to his book the multiple perspectives of father, health professional, and Aspie himself. Even if you thought you understood the problems your kids are facing, Brian can give you insights that never occurred to you... Brian's book presents a wealth of ideas and strategies for communicating and relating in a new way with the spectrumites in your life. Throw out the star charts and the social scripts. Those never worked, and never will. Bring in the strategies. They do work. I can vouch for them, because I am now using them with my own family, and the results have been positive and immediate... Brian's book will help you understand your loved ones as never before. And I predict you'll understand yourself a lot better, too.
  • Michael John Carley, Executive Director, GRASP; Executive Director, ASTEP; and author of Asperger's from the Inside Out, US

    [...] Brian R. King delivers an engaging and perhaps complete guide into the mind of folks like us. King is a fellow spectrumite, and fellow spectrumite parent of spectrum kids; but it is his vocation as a social worker and counselor that wraps King's content into a wonderful addition to the growing library of great books about the entire autism spectrum.
  • Chantal Sicile-Kira, author of Autism Life Skills, Adolescents on the Autism Spectrum, Autism Spectrum Disorders, and 41 Things to Know About Autism, US

    In this insightful and easy to read book, Brian R. King explains what it feels like to have autism, providing us with the means to a deeper understanding of those on the spectrum. [...] Brian offers tips and strategies in order to best assist a child with autism become his or her own person, respecting differences and building on strengths. All parents want their children to have meaningful relationships, and in [this book] Brian shares his expert advice in this domain. Brian's perspective is unique and well-informed: he is on the spectrum, is married to a person on the spectrum, is the father of three boys on the spectrum, and is an experienced social worker. We have much to learn from him.
  • William Stillman, author of Autism and the God Connection and Empowered Autism Parenting, US

    Brian R. King's Strategies for Building Successful Relationships with People on the Autism Spectrum is an indispensable contribution to the field of 'inside-out' books written by autism spectrum self-advocates. What could be more valuable to parents, family, and friends than understanding the emotional importance of relationships when viewed through the autism prism?
  • Rudy Simone, author of Aspergirls, 22 Things a Woman Must Know and Asperger's on the Job, US

    Mr. King has created a conversation between people on the spectrum, their families and advocates with clarity, depth, wisdom and insight. His advice is both profound and infinitely practical. You'll want to keep this book handy and refer to it again and again.
  • K.I. Al-Ghani, special educational needs teacher and author of Learning About Friendship and From Home to School with Autism, UK

    “This is one book I shall be highly recommending and one that I shall be dipping into regularly for its wisdom and truth. Coping with autism is often likened to a roller coaster ride. Strategies for Building Successful Relationships with People on the Autism Spectrum provides a model communication highway on which to travel the autism journey and as the mother of a son with ASD, I can certainly relate to that.”
  • BFK Books

    King's explanations are clear and he uses examples from his family and clinical experience to help illustrate and clarify his strategies as well as to enliven the text... very informative... This book is of value to anyone working and living with people on the spectrum or for neurotpicals and aspies wishing to become clearer communicators and work together so that everyone in a relationship feels their needs are getting met.