Share the Care'
An Evaluation of a Family-Based Respite Care Service
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The provision of respite care within families is a relatively new development and the ad hoc nature of individual schemes has resulted in a great variation in their character; relatively little research has been carried out into the policy and practice of this important development in community care. 'Share the Care' examines: the different ways in which respite care schemes operate, focusing in particular on the Share-the-Care service in Lothian; the experience of parents of children with learning difficulties of using the scheme; respite carers: who joins the scheme and why, their perceptions of its rewards and dissatisfactions, and their experience of social work support; the less positive effects of separation upon the children themselves; families facing an extended wait for respite; families who withdraw from the scheme.
- Published: Jan 01 1994
- Pages: 160
- 216 x 140mm
- ISBN: 9781853020384

Press Reviews
Disability News
A well researched and well presented book... readable and informative.