Press Reviews
Poe Charlotte, author of 'How to Be Autistic'
This book is going to change and save so many lives. It's a vital exploration into autism, gender and sexuality, and is easy to understand even as it tackles difficult topics. The intersectionality between autism and LGBTQIA+ identities has long been ignored, but Queerly Autistic not only bridges the gap but guides the reader through a world of new ideas and acceptance. A pleasure to read, and to be seen. One of the most important books in autistic literature.
Dr. Wenn B. Lawson (PhD) CPsychol AFBPsS MAPS
Erin's no nonsense, clear & concise explanations of the many roads that lead us to self-discovery re: gender and sexuality is carefully crafted. For any young autistic (or otherwise) person questioning the many variables to working our where you 'sit' and how to recognise your 'fit' within queer society, this book is perfect!
- Lizzie Huxley-Jones, editor of Stim: An Autistic Anthology
Ekins has created an essential guide for autistic LGBTQIA+ teenagers, covering all aspects of identity, relationships and, crucially, safety. Informative and refreshingly honest, Queerly Autistic provides a definitive and clear framework for LGBTQIA+ autistic teens navigating the highs and lows of life. Every LGBTQIA+ autistic teen needs a copy of this on their shelf.
- Fox Fisher, artist, author and film maker
"A well articulated and queerly presented book, written in an accessible way for people to enjoy and learn. Erin allows the reader to take their own path into understanding more about where their particular queerness and autism intersect. An important book, reminding us that our queer community is so wonderfully diverse and vibrant."
- Ugla Stefanía Kristjönudóttir Jónsdóttir (Owl), author and campaigner
"What a wonderful resource for people that exist on the intersection of being queer and autistic. It will undoubtedly help many people and affirm them, in a world that is constantly questioning them and their ability to make their own decisions. A brilliant book!"
Kate Sauder, disability scholar and blogger
As an autistic person who both got my autism diagnosis and came into my queerness later in life, it is hard to express the feeling of comfort there was in reading a book written for the confused queer autistic kid I was. It is also so important that Erin is an autistic author writing for autistic readers. This kind of knowledge exchange is so powerful and still far too rare.
SEND Support (@SENDsupportuk) Disability Consultancy and Training
'Queerly Autistic - The Ultimate Guide for LGBTQIA+ Teens on the Spectrum' is such an important and much needed book. The clear, matter-of-fact way it deals with complex and sometimes difficult topics is so accessible and easy to understand, as are the suggested 'scripts', and signposting to further support. The repeated advice, using the same language for different topics, not only makes the book easy to dip into, but also makes the suggested guidance clear and easy to remember. For any LGBTQIA+ teen, and not only those who know they are autistic, this book could provide a life-line to understanding and making sense of their identity and crucially recognising they are not alone. Erin shares her lived experiences of being 'queerly autistic' in a way that will no doubt support and resonate with so many autistic young people. She is clear that, for example, when discussing difficulties some autistic people have in identifying and describing emotions... "This doesn't mean that we aren't able to know or make decisions about our sexuality or our gender identity. Many of us simply need support and safety in order to properly understand ourselves and our feelings." This book might be the starting point a person needs to begin to feel that support and validation. Anyone who cares for or has responsibility for teenagers, whether autistic or not, should read it and learn from it to be able to better offer further safe support and understanding. Whether you are a queerly autistic young person, or someone who knows, loves or supports one, Erin's empowering closing words are the reason you should read this book: Be proudly autistic, be proudly queer, and be proudly you.