Press Reviews
Dr Zohar Hadromi-Allouche
The book offers a useful trialogue between the authors - as well as between the Hebrew Bible, the Christian Bible and the Quran - concerning the views of these three scriptures on a variety of topics, from creation to afterlife, and from land to God. As such, it not only offers the readers a glimpse into each scripture, but also a background for understanding the differences and similarities between the three scriptures, and the religions which they represent.
Martin O'Kane, Professor Emeritus, UWTSD
In this most illuminating and engaging volume, three authors, from (their) committed standpoints as Jew, Christian and Muslim, present their informed positions on a wide range of topics, ranging from the interpretation of the Word of God to gender and ethnicity, aspects that vitally affect how we live, communicate with, and understand each other in today's world. Dispelling ignorance and misunderstanding, the volume will surprise the reader as to the extent of those values and beliefs we actually share in common rather than what keeps us apart. This is a most readable, and informative book, usefully divided into helpful sections so that it can act as a reference volume as well as a work to be read in one sitting. It is an ideal resource for those engaged in interfaith dialogue, at either an academic or pastoral level and is a major contribution to promoting understanding and respect for others, whose beliefs we may not personally hold ourselves.
Farhana Mayer (MA OXON), Doctoral Research Scholar, Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford
Rich and fascinating, People of the Book will undoubtedly be used as a reference book by those who are involved in interfaith engagement. Members of each faith group will surely learn new things from this book, not just about the other religions but also about their own religious heritage. Just as surely, those outside of the interfaith arena who are seeking to understand diverse religious worldviews among their constituencies, or in the wider global environment, will benefit from this profoundly informative and thought-provoking work.
Rt Revd Dr Michael Ipgrave, Bishop of Lichfield
Great stories, memorable jokes, profound theory - all are interwoven in this wonderful record of what happens when a Jew, a Christian and a Muslim talk together about their scriptures. You could call it Scriptural Reasoning; or you could call it a conversation among friends of God. Whatever you call it, this book will enlighten, enliven and engross your spirit.
Sheikh Dr Salah al-Ansari, Egypt and UK-based Imam for 20 years, including at the Regent's Park Mosque (London Central Mosque)
A very interesting and informative dialogue amongst three expert theologians that covers a wide range of topics from the perspective of Abrahamic faiths. The dialogue is engaging, thought-provoking and eye-opening in relation to the sources of scripture, God and man's relationship with the divine, daily life, ethics, morality and eschatology. A frank conversation like this, conducted with mutual respect, is rare in our atmosphere of exclusivist discourse, and we need more of this. I very much hope that this worthy book will inspire and encourage further such encounters.