Press Reviews
British Journal of Educational Psychology
As a record of the personal experiences of one child with NLD, this book is comprehensive and detailed, with many examples that will undoubtedly be of interest and of use to parents/teachers of children with NLD and /or other disorders. The content provides an interesting and informative insight into one mother's devoted work on her child's disorder.
ACE Bulletin
This book presents the problems NLD Children will face in their everyday life, as well as suggesting strategies doe helping them to cope and grow. It addresses NLD Children from pre-school to adolescence. Older teens and young adults may also benefit from much of the content.
Georgia Family Magazine
An essential volume for parents that incorporates a wide variety of issues, from managing buttons and zippers to using deodorant and shaving cream. Having a daughter that was diagnosed with the the disability has helped Tanguay to include helpful hints and expert opinions in the book. This volume is a surefire way to help tackle the puzzling world of NLD.
Disability Times
Pamela Tanguay's daughter was diagnosed at the age of nine as having Nonverbal Learning disability (NLD). Since, she has become active in advocating for people with this condition, she wrote this book in order to help parents and adults caring for children with NLD. The author's advice is sensible and straightforward. In addition to helping parents cope it will also help enlighten teachers and other professionals working with such children. The book emphasises the extraordinary gifts children with NLD often possess and rewards to those who work with them. Diagnosis of NLD is becoming more common so this, the first accessible work on the subject to be written by someone active in this area, is doubly welcome.
Sue Thompson, MA, CET, Learning and Behavior Specialist. Author of The Source for Nonverbal Learning Disorders (formerly I Shouldn't Have To Tell You)
Parent and advocate extraordinaire, Pamela Tanguay has contributed immensely to the presently limited literature on NLD… Her advice is straightforward, sensible, cohesive and easily understood. This guide will not only serve as a welcome blueprint to the overwhelmed and under-supported parents of children with NLD, but also as an eye-opener to educators and other professionals working with individuals with NLD in helping them to recognize just how much effort it actually takes to parent a child with NLD.
From the Foreword by Byron P. Rourke, FRSC
The author has provided a book that is essential reading for caregivers of children and adolescents with NLD. It should not only be read but kept on hand for easy reference as the youngster develops. It should be valued as a rich source of helpful suggestions, and as a springboard for the creativity of the concerned caregiver. Pamela Tanguay has done all of us involved with the syndrome of NLD a great favor by providing this book.
Liane Holliday Willey, EdD., author of Pretending to be Normal: Living with Asperger's Syndrome and Asperger's Syndrome in the Family: Redefining Normal
During my search to understand Asperger's Syndrome (AS) I was fortunate enough to discover Pamela Tanguay and the world she knows best - the world of Nonverbal Learning Disorders (NLD). Though there might be subtle differences between these two syndromes, there is very little doubt in my mind that one echoes the other in terms of what works to help those diagnosed with either AS or NLD. Pamela Tanguay's book, Nonverbal Learning Disabilities at Home, is a must-have for anyone wanting to know more about either of these developmental delays. It is absolutely stuffed full with astutely sound reasoning and incredibly perceptive advice based on the research of the top names in the NLD field. I cannot imagine my library without it. Go get it. Now!