Press Reviews
Dr Peter Vardy was Vice-Principal of Heythrop College, University of London and is a well-known philosopher of religion
This book will be an invaluable resource for teachers and also religious leaders as they seek to show common ground shared by religions, whilst not undermining the central claims of the different traditions. It is also provides an excellent way of beginning to understand alternative perspectives other than one's own.
Michael Ipgrave, Bishop of Lichfield
Those of any theological position will find this an excellent resource in thinking about and planning for worship or prayer involving people of different faiths. The contributors cover an unusually wide range of material, and the practical suggestions they offer are sensible, balanced and achievable.
Rabbi Walter Homolka PhD PhD DHL, Professor of Modern Jewish Thought and Interreligious Dialogue School of Jewish Theology at the University of Potsdam Germany
Some theologians find good reasons to say why it is difficult to pray together. This book condenses some striking arguments why it is indispensable to do it anyway. A unique collection of interfaith perspectives to meet in love and face the divine.
Princess Badiya el Hassan, Princess of Jordan
A fascinating guide to the variety of approaches to worship, both within and between different faith traditions, as well as the possibilities and limitations of interfaith worship. What is clear is that the human need for inspiration and assurance from The Divine is universal.
Rev Dr David Steers, Editor, Faith and Freedom
This is a timely book which will serve as a handbook for those exploring the possibilities of interfaith worship. As the book's subtitle has it we must pray together, in other words coming together to pray in today's world is no longer an optional extra but a practical imperative. In the book representatives of twelve major world faith traditions give detailed, scholarly and personal explanations of how interfaith worship is understood and practised within their faith groups. Interfaith Worship and Prayer is an invaluable guide to those hoping to deepen their spiritual connection with people of other religions. It does not suggest that interfaith encounter is always easy, the writers and the reflective sections contributed by the editors highlight many of the difficulties encountered as we pray together. But taken altogether it is a clear sighted and open exploration of how followers of different religions can learn to worship together that deserves to find wide useacross all faith communities.
Neelima Shukla-Bhatt, Associate Professor of South Asia Studies, Wellesley College, Wellesley MA
All who envision a peaceful future for the humanity with rich spiritual life must explore ways to build harmony among diverse faith communities that now encounter one another in all parts of our globalized world. Sadly, the encounters often turn into occasions for tensions. This timely collection of essays by scholars and followers from diverse faith traditions of the world invites readers to reflect creatively on the urgent need of our times to turn encounters into dialogs. With a focus on the most active manifestation of faith - worship - and with organizational principle of respect, the book opens windows to the worlds of many religious communities with whom the reader will feel inspired to pray, standing in their own place but being a part of a symphony. Pragmatic and accessible, the book offers an invaluable resource for teachers, students, and indeed all world citizens to cultivate understanding of perspectives other than their own. A highly recommended collection!