
  • Author
    • Claudio Neri
Regular price £32.99
Regular price Sale price £32.99
`This is an extremely interesting book which succeeds in combining erudition with great clarity, respect of tradition with a refreshing search for new perspectives... It is also a book which sums up the work carried out in Italy and in France and often ignored by the Anglo-Saxon group analyst. In line with such work it links Freud, Bion and Foulkes within a group perspective.'

- from the foreword by Malcolm Pines

Group explores the processes that take place within groups from a psychoanalytical perspective. Combining his own original concepts with a critique of established theories, Claudio Neri describes how groups are formed and develop, and analyses what non-verbal or extra-verbal phenomena are present in human communication, and how they occur in practice. The author uses examples from various art forms from around the world to show the universality of such human communication. Although it deals with difficult new ideas, the book contains user-friendly inserts within the text to explain particular concepts as they arise for those unfamiliar with the subject. A substantial glossary also provides explanation of the many complex terms used thoroughout the book.
  • Published: Aug 01 1998
  • Pages: 260
  • 232 x 154mm
  • ISBN: 9781853024160
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Press Reviews

  • Marisa Dillon-Weston, Group-analysis

    This is an extremely interesting book which succeeds in combining erudition with great clarity, respect of tradition with a refreshing search for new perspectives [...] It is also a book which sums up the work carried out in Italy and in France and often ignored by the Anglo-Saxon group analyst. In line with such work it links Freud, Bion and Foulkes within a group perspective.
  • Israeli Journal of Psychiatry

    In this book, Claudio Neri throws new light on group analysis in view of experience and rigorous thought. He is fresh and original without rebelling against Foulksian practice. This is a complex book which will appeal mainly to the experienced.
  • Anna Maria Traveni

    Reading Claudo Neri's book brings us directly inside a work group, a group which we feel represents us and in which we feel involved. The text enables the reader to get in touch with the emotional atmospere of the group, and the unconscious dynamics of its individuals and of the whole group, in all their complexity.
  • Mind and Human Interaction

    Group explores the processes that take place within groups from a psychoanalytic perspective. Combining his own original concepts with a critique of established theories, Claudio Neri describes how groups are formed and develop, and analyzes what non-verbal or extra-verbal phenomena are present in human communication. Although it deals with difficult new ideas the book contains user-friendly inserts within the text to explain concepts as they arise, and also contains a substantial glossary to explain many of the complex terms used in the book.
  • European Journal of Psychotherapy, Counselling & Health

    First published in Italian in 1995, Group is no ordinary manual for group facilitiators - at least, not the kind English-speaking practitioners might anticipate … [Neri's] book draws fruitfully on the thinking of Bion and Foulkes, Lewin and Anzieu, and a wide range of Italian, French, German and North and South American analysts. But it is also distinguished by a wealth of references to sources well outside the specialist fields of individual and group analysis: to Virginia Woolf and Walter Benjamin, Isabel Allende and Marshall McLuhan, Montaigne, Durkheim, Sartre, Bunuel, Pasolini, Dostoyevsky, Schonberg, Borges, Cavafy, Canetti, Bakhtin, Wittgenstein ... The book is structured in such a way that the reader can easily cross-reference - there is a fascinating glossary, and there are appendices containing interviews with the author, and textboxes, which usefully take the place of footnotes and provide timely explanations of key concepts as they arise - and this structure captures something both of the sequential nature of the group experience (groups like books unfold over time) and the presence of simultaneous phenomena … This is a book to return to; it invites us not to turn away from its own difficulties and the discomfort these can induce in the reader eager for a too purely intellectual sense.
  • Psych-Talk, Newsletter for the Student Members Group of the British Psychological Society

    Irrespective of your views regarding psychoanalysis, if you intend working as a professional psychologist in any one of the numerous disciplines of psychology then this book is geared for you ... Neri provides an excellent reference and explanatory text for any discipline that involves working with individuals ... Group allows its readers to explore psychoanalysis from more than the American and British perspective. It opens the door into the world of French and Italian thinking, while encompassing the works of Freud, Bion and Foulkes, not to mention Claudio Neri's own wealth of experience ... Group will outlast many student days and remain an excellent reference well into professional practice: a brilliant read from a brilliant mind.