Good Practice in Supervision

Statutory and Voluntary Organisations
  • Editor
    • Jacki Pritchard
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Offering a new and much needed approach to supervision practice, Good Practice in Supervision considers the need and format for successful supervision, methods of effective implementation, particular difficulties and problems frequently encountered, and anti-discriminatory practice. Throughout the book, there are many practical suggestions and examples which complement the sound theoretical base of the text.

The contributors are drawn from a wide variety of settings, in both the voluntary and statutory sectors, and offer a range of approaches and perspectives. Discussion covers, among other topics, work with older people, court welfare supervision, students, and child protection. Such a thorough and important book addresses issues until now often overlooked.
  • Published: Oct 01 1994
  • Pages: 224
  • 232 x 156mm
  • ISBN: 9781853022791
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Press Reviews

  • Community Care

    The diversity of the contexts used to consider the issue of supervision with background and overview material make this more than a book on supervision. It is rich in source material as well as sample contracts, training exercises and record sheets... A useful resource for anyone involved in supervision whether giving it or receiving it.
  • Probation Journal

    The collection of essays contained in this book provide much food for thought... [It] also contains some useful exercises for those in the process of building, or perhaps retrieving, good supervisory relationships. The book will be useful to any senior probation officer under pressure looking for ways to make effective use of the time they have available for supervision.
  • Professional Social Work

    This book presents valuable and easily assimilated information. It includes practical advice, exercises and guidance for workers and managers involved in a supervisory relationship. The chapter on the supervision of social services managers should be essential reading for those in senior manager positions.
  • Baseline

    Jacki Pritchard is to be congratulated on conceiving this much needed collection of essays on supervision... A very welcome contribution to a subject which has been much neglected in Britain.
  • Social Work and Social Sciences Review

    It is heartening to review a book which throughout emphasises the importance of good supervision in the delivery of social services. This book is a compilation of 15 chapters by different authors on the theme of supervision. The first chapter sets the scene and provides a useful review of the literature, and as it is extensively referenced provides pointers to relevant texts for readers wishing to explore in greater depth concepts presented in the chapter... Will provide many useful ideas and insights for practising supervisors.
  • Administration in Social Work

    I recommend it as a readable, practical guide for busy supervisors.