Press Reviews
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A remarkable book from a unique boy!
The Guardian
an excellent book
The Big Issue
Compelling reading…Luke has written a book that's intelligent, articulate, sensitive and funny.
Freaks, Geeks and Asperger Syndrome allows the reader a glimpse into the fascinating but frustrating world of an intelligent and capable adolescent and leaves us with some understanding of his philosophy of life. Novices and experts alike will find Luke Jackson's book full of practical ideas that will enable them to make a positive difference in the lives of people with Asperger Syndrome.
Times Educational Supplement
Freaks, Geeks and Asperger Syndrome is a cool, confident work that belies the author's youth. The experts reckon that Luke has a reading age of 18-plus, but most people that age would be hard-pressed to produce such witty, effortless prose… [his] positive – almost celebratory – view could well make this a favourite among children, AS and otherwise, who find themselves out of tune with their classmates.
Inclusion Now
Freaks, Geeks and Asperger Syndrome is one of those books I feel should be compulsory reading for everyone… His style is light and chirpy with a very positive view of autism: “I have what some people would call a disability but I call a gift”. At the same time it has extraordinary depth and insight, guiding people along without a trace of arrogance or being simplistic. I cannot recommend this book enough.
Freaks, Geeks and Asperger Syndrome not only aims to help other youngsters live with this challenging and often misunderstood condition, but “will change attitudes and replace bleak despair with insight and laughter”, according to expert Tony Attwood.
British Journal of Healthcare Assistants
His style of writing is incredibly accessible, especially considering his age. His combination of humour and sincerity will keep you interested all the way through and when you finish reading, you will take away an in-depth and relevant understanding of Asperger's Syndrome.
Daily Telegraph
I have two autistic sons and have read many books on the subject; this is one of the most useful. There should be a copy in the staffroom of every school with an AS pupil - which, at the rate things are going, means nearly every school.
Educare News
I like Jackson's advice. Give clear instructions. Avoid metaphors you can't explain. Don't presume rights and wrongs are obvious. Spell things out clearly…I like Jackson's project: to remind himself, his peers and professionals that 'different is cool', and by-the-by that our normal world is pretty weird anyway. 'When is an obsession not an obsession?' 'When it's about football'.
Home Education Advisory Service Bulletin
I would recommend this book not only to AS adolescents and anybody associated with them but also to the public at large so that we may, through understanding Asperger syndrome better, become more tolerant and respectful of differences and also better equipped to meet their needs.
Library Journal
In this terrific book that is sure to inspire other adolescents with the same condition, 13 year old Jackson offers teenager's perspective on what it's like to live with Asperger's.
BMJ Publishing Group
Jackson has a conversational, yet confiding, authorial style. He provides an insight into the internal world of people with Asperger Syndrome. They are not “freaks” but fascinating individuals, who examine life from a different perspective. They are subject to the same hopes and feelings as the rest of us, but find it difficult to learn our “social” ropes. Jackson's admirable effort to tell it how it is has left me gratefully enlightened.
Asperger Information.net
Luke is a star. It is good to know that there is a book like this that teenagers with AS would find useful and accessible. I suspect though the market this book is aimed at is parents, and that often seemed to be who Luke was addressing… Luke explains things clearly and sensibly, and this is as good a book as any for anyone of any age to read as an introduction to Asperger syndrome or to try and gain better understanding of an other. I hope Luke continues writing as he gets older'.
the title grabs you- upfront and no deference to the niceties of political correctness. The author, Luke Jackson, is 13-years-old and has Asperger's Syndrome (AS). His style of writing is jokey and engaging. His motive for writing the book was the lack of relevant publications for adolescents. The book also addresses parents, carers and professionals who, though aware of the autistic spectrum, do not necessarily understand it. The author provides a good account of the variability of autism and emphasises the importance of having the appropriate label. His arguments shame those professionals who refuse to do this…An excellent and informative book.
Metapyschology Online Book reviews
This book is a must for those young people diagnosed as having Asperger's Syndrome, those who think that they may have it, their parents and teachers. The Special Needs department in every school needs to have a copy both for the students and the staff to read. It is brilliant to have such a book written by someone on the inside. The insights are all the more illuminating for us on the outside.
Care and Health Magazine
This is a remarkable publication. It is written by a person diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome, and provides the reader with an insightful guide into the experiences and challenges during the difficult but profoundly important teenage years. Any and all staff, and managers, who are involved with clients with autistic spectrum disorders should gain a great deal from reading this first hand account of fascinations and fixations, language and learning, school, friendships, dating, bullying and morals…