Press Reviews
Autism: The International Journal of Research and Practice
Richman's behavioural approach to skill development in children on the autism spectrum is excellent... this easy to read book is certain to be an invaluable resource to both parents and professionals. The way the text is written is simple enough to be understood by the lay reader, yet detailed enough to provide a thorough understanding of behavioural theory and practical suggestions for encouraging specific behaviours. It would be a worthwhile addition to the personal or professional library of anyone hoping to provide children on the autism spectrum with the tools to function happily and successfully in their daily lives.
Link, Autism - Europe
Written in an accessible question-and-answer format for easy navigation, this book provides details, practical answers to the real questions asked by parents of children with autism spectrum disorders.
This easy to read, practical book is written in a question and answer format that means it can be read in its entirety or dipped in and out of as required. The book is based on a behavioural approach, with an emphasis on teaching and developing desirable behaviours and skills as alternatives to less desirable behaviours. It could prove to be a valuable resource not only for parents of children on the autistic spectrum but also for professionals working with them.
Afasic News
This book attempts to answer 100 "real-life" questions posed by parents of children on the autistic spectrum. It offers a clear, step by step guide on how to resolve specific behavioural problems. The American author has a background in applied behaviour analysis, an approach that is evident throughout the book. She stresses the need to practice and reward appropriate behaviours and ensure the child knows what is expected by breaking tasks down into small steps and implementing any changes gradually. I think this is a useful book for parents and professionals to dip into if a particular behaviour is causing concern. Many books offer general advice on working with children on the autistic spectrum but it is refreshing to find a book willing to offer such specific guidance and advice.
The National Child-minding Association
The format is written on a question and answer format, which does make the book easy to navigate and makes it practical. The questions are arranged by various topics and each answer has step by step behaviour plans and techniques. Each topic covers everyday problems and there are some good suggestions on encouraging positive approaches to behaviour with children on the autism spectrum.
Kirkus Reports
Children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) often behave inappropriately, and parents, teachers and healthcare professionals must take a proactive stance to encourage good behaviour. Richman, a behaviour therapy consultant, draws on her years of experience to present 100 frequently asked questions, and then provide clear, easy to follow answers. A heartening go to resource for caregivers of children with ASDs.
Link, Autism-Europe
Shira Richman outlines succinct behavioural plans to help parents and professionals encourage appropriate behaviour and help their child make progress with learning positive behaviour patterns.