Press Reviews
Alan Jenkins, Director, Mary St. Program, Adelaide, South Australia.
In a field often dominated by moral imperatives and judgements of risk and deficit, this book offers uncommon sense by shining an ethical light on young people's problem sexual behaviour. Bateman and Milner bring together contemporary theory and research into sound practice to demonstrate just what an ethical or strengths-based focus can bring for safety, affect regulation and connection in relationships. Their clear descriptions, practice examples and exercises for reflection provide an excellent resource for practitioners seeking a developmental approach that is firmly located in a systemic context of family, school and community.
Adrienne Katz, author of Cyberbullying and e-safety: What educators and other professionals need to know
This book is a welcome and essential overview of attitudes to and understanding of child sexual behaviours, with a clearly laid out explanation of strength based approaches and how these strengths are used to promote and effect change. This book shows how, despite several attempts at reform, professionals have often found themselves isolated and struggling to handle these cases. Here is a much needed vital handbook that provides clear pathways through these complex behaviours. I strongly commend this sensitive thoughtful book and recommend it as essential reading for anyone working with children or young people in this difficult situation.
Helen Masson, Editor
Nota NewsIn writing this book both authors have been able to draw on much relevant professional expertise... Each chapter follows a format which makes the book's contents very accessible, especially to newer practitioners or more experienced practitioners who are unfamiliar with the models and approach the authors present. Relevant theory and techniques associated with solution- focused and narrative approaches are described and illustrated with both shorter and longer practice examples drawn from the authors' own experience of child protection work with children and young people whose behaviour is sexually concerning or harmful, and sources of additional reading are regularly signposted... very well written.
Steve Myers, University of Salford
Journal of Sexual AggressionThis book is written by two experienced practitioners (...) it is relentlessly practical and provides great material for a reader who is looking for fresh practice ideas. The authors' clear strengths-based values and approach are open and transparent, allowing the reader to engage with and understand the practices that are described. Those who are new to strengths-based approaches will find this a useful introduction to their application in this field, and those who are more familiar with them will find stimulating new ideas located in this practice context... The book contains illustrated examples of plans and actual work that has been done with children, which enable the reader to see the ideas in the text in action... The book will be a key resource for anyone who wants to work in creative and empowering ways with children who display sexually concerning or harmful behaviour.
Play for Life
A very interesting read... It can provide some good ideas to help move families forward in dealing with these issues.