Press Reviews
The Psychologist
The book is a complete resource guide focusing on the emotion of affection... This book includes not only worksheets by also baseline measures... The book also includes information about other significant approaches to work with ASD, such as a social stories and comic strip conversations. The authors have included quotes from clients and carers, making the writing style engaging and helping the reader to relate to the information better. The book focuses on younger population however; the strategies recommended can be adapted for other age groups.
The Newsletter of the College of Occupational Therapists
This book proclaims to be a manual... Worksheets are supported by pictures that show what is being asked of the person... The manual is great in that it looks at providing a diagnosis and is simple to use. I felt it would be fantastic in a classroom environment to help with social skills for children between the ages of 5 and 10 years.
This is a positively written and an easy-to-use book for professionals offering sound information and guidance around a challenging life-long condition. It has some terrific activities, which are fun to complete, to help understand and express emotion appropriately in various situation... It is a super programme for a wide variety of professionals to use with children on the autism spectrum.
Dr Isabelle Hénault, MA, PhD, psychologist and author of Asperger's Syndrome and Sexuality: From Adolescence through Adulthood
Expressing affection is a fundamental element for the development and maintenance of interpersonal relationships. The interactive and practical material contained in this book will definitely improve the essential knowledge and fluidity necessary to build and use advanced social skills.
Sue Larkey, autism spectrum specialist, teacher and author of Making it a Success, Practical Sensory Programmes and Practical Mathematics for Children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder and Other Developmental Delays
Professor Tony Attwood and Dr Michelle Garnett have created a perfect resource for home and school. This easy-to-use book offers great information and guidance. It is a wonderful resource that will help children and adolescents understand affection which will enable them to build relationships and friendships.
Susan W. White, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Director, Psychosocial Interventions Laboratory, Assistant Director, Child Study Center and Co-Director, Virginia Tech Autism Clinic
This programme provides a welcome and needed new "positive" perspective on ASD. Attwood and Garnett provide guidance on how to help children with ASD experience and express affection and like, something so important to the human condition and critical to healthy family functioning.