Press Reviews
Cathy McNeill, Consultant
This book may be good to use as a introduction to discussing Aspergers Syndrome with other children with AS. It may be reassuring for other children to see that other people have similar difficulties to them and also see how someone else has come to terms and/or overcome some of these difficulties. Worth reading.
Arlene Cassidy, Director, PAPA, the Northern Ireland Autism Charity
To say that this book was simple or child-like would be an insult. Kenneth Hall writes with an innocence, sincerity and insight that perhaps only a child could. This book is essential reading for other young people with Asperger's Syndrome (AS) and those living and working with them. Kenneth describes with great honesty the difficulties he has as a result of his AS, including those at school. Yet, he remains positive about his condition and sees it as a gift. Kenneth is able to explain clearly the many emotions he feels: depression, frustration, joy and appreciation. He is also able to explain why he feels them, perhaps making the reader review their own understanding of AS. Other topics that Kenneth covers are: living without a diagnosis, experiences of home tutoring, women and fashion, the importance of `jammie days', his passion for reading, applied behaviour analysis (ABA), sensory issues and life as a `pringlearian'. Kenneth Hall is a boy who obviously greatly values his life and he clearly has much to offer to other, whether or not they are involved with AS.
Kenneth Hall is a ten-year-old boy who has Asperger Syndrome. He is also exceptionally gifted and has written Asperger Syndrome, the Universe and Everything so that we can see and understand the world through his eyes. This book gives a clear insight into what it must be like to view the world in this special way. Hall tells us of his day to day struggles, and joys.
Kenneth Hall
Children with Asperger Syndrome are the best experts on AS. They can tell adults what seems unusual to them about the world. If they tell this to the adults, the adults should do all in their power to make things right for the child. They should try to make their child feel at home.
Ken P. Kerr
Parents, family members and professionals will find that Kenneth's story offers a fascinating insight into the life of an individual with AS this book is a must.
Gill Rowley
Kenneth's book will go some way to raising awareness of the problems and possibilities of highly gifted children with a known learning difficulty.