Press Reviews
This book contains seventeen chapters offering a unique and valuable insight into the issue of conflict. The authors discuss all aspects of conflict and its effects on the individual, community and society... This book is an inspiration for anyone working with conflict. The clinical examples are discussed sensitively and appropriately and engage the reader. This book is recommended reading.
Replete with suggestions, techniques, structured exercises and strategies for mediating and resolving conflict that will be of help to artists, therapists and others working in this area... interesting, informative and in places very moving.
Music Therapy Perspectives
Each chapter provides a foundation for the work presented later providing the reader not only with the experience which they can replicate but also knowing the reason such an activity was attempted... this book provides the therapist with many thought provoking ideas, expanded foundations on which to build sessions, as well as practical activities... it has potential benefit for persons in the mental health fields both while they are in their pre-professional training as well as professionals with many years experience.
Mental Health Nursing
Art Approaches to Conflict is a substantial volume, covering an enormous breadth and depth of human experience. It is a testament to people's imagination, showing many daring attempts to understand and resolve conflict using every conceivable art form. Chapters range across the recurring themes of self-esteem, bullying, violence, assertiveness, responsibility, anger, power and control...these themes are crucial to every aspect of mental health. This book is a source of inspiration to all those who work in mental health, as well as teachers, those who work with offenders, refugees and homeless people, in fact anyone seriously trying to resolve conflict in this war-torn world.
Nursing Times
Various attempts at resolving conflict using every conceivable art form: drama, visual arts, music, movement, storytelling and combined arts are described here. The recurring themes of self-esteem, bullying, violence, assertiveness, responsibility, anger, power and control are explored in schools, prisons, hostels and youth clubs from New York to Northern Ireland. The book describes how art therapy can be used to support homeless people and children who are bullied; and how listening to music, performing and composing can resolve inner and outer conflict. This is a magnificent book. An inspiration for mental health workers, teachers, artists and art therapists.
This challenging book invites and enables us to extend our work with victims of torture, homeless people, violent offenders and victims, bullied children, ethnic minorities and the partisans and peacemakers of Northern Ireland, as well as with other marginalized individuals and groups for whom the contributors provide active therapy. Its editor, Marian Liebmann…has attracted diversely gifted specialists and produced with them a valuable text for counsellors.
Criminal Justice (Magazine of the Howard League)
This is page turning stuff and the book as a whole is more than a dry account of rehabilitation techniques. The descriptions of the drama workshops are in themselves dramatic. The illustrations are stark and compelling.